Monday, January 18, 2010

The PurPoSe+StateMent of ProBLem+MiSsioN

The Purpose of this Blog:
1.make a direct change to my life
2. lead to a health lifestyle
3. prevent constipation
4. create health awareness

First step is Identify the
PROBLEM: Why I have this unhealthy digestive problem, Constipation?

Let me think of my daily activities:
Teaching tuition
Practising piano
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Taking and waiting for LRT and shuttle bus
sometimes doing assignments and presentation slides
Online, see newspaper online~save money and paper also^.^

Conclude that the problem that lead to my constipation is-->THE ACTIVITIES ABOVE ARE ALL SITTING!!!

Studying at school at least 6 hours, teaching tuition average 2 hours per day, practicing piano average at least 1 hours per day, So at least 8 hours are sitting on the chair

Ohhhh....I sit too long per day...My small intestine and large intestine must "exercise"...

Another problem maybe I drink too little water...sometimes feel that water is too heavy for me to bring to campus and sometime really lazy to refill the water because UCSI have 3 refill water machine only~~ Sigh,sigh, but I know that it is just a lame excuses....

So MISSION is prevent constipation:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WelCoMe To Health PsyChoLoGY BloG

Welcome to Health Psychology Blog!!!

This is the first time I create my blog. It is so funny and interesting in this blog because I want to change some of my behavior and lead to a healthy lifestyle.

First of all, let me brings you to the criteria of healthy lifestyle as mention in Health Psycho class. Here are the SEVEN criteria that everybody SHOULD be follow:

1.sleep 7-8 hours per day breakfast everyday
3.rarely eat between the meals or near appropriate weight
5.never smoke
6.drink alcohol rarely or moderately
7.regularly have vigorously physical activity

All my friends' topic are about anti-smoking, loss weight, avoid junk foods, eating breakfast. I really no idea about my topic because I am fulfill the requirements as above.

Aha, after thinking and thinking, I get the idea to do in this blog. I want to change one of my shameful behavior....that is....Constipation...Wow...So good the topic ^.^

12.1.2010 ,Tuesday at 07:17pm